Eyes of an Angel Recipe Favorite Christmas Cookies

Eyes of an Angel Recipe is Our favorite Christmas cookies - unchallenged number 1, for about 40 pieces.

Eyes of an Angel Recipe Favorite Christmas Cookies

Ingredients for 1 serving

240 g Flour
150 g butter
2nd egg yolk
70 g powdered sugar
2 Teaspoons vanilla sugar
1 Lemon (s), untreated, zest, or 1 pack Citroback 1 X)
1 pinch (s) salt
Raspberry jam and/or current jam
Powdered sugar for dusting


Cookies Recipe


2 hours 50 min. Total time
40 min. work time
2 hour. Rest time
10 min. Cooking/baking time

Level of difficulty


Another recipe

Vanilla Crescents Recipe


  1. Knead all ingredients together with the dough hooks to a smooth dough. Chill for 1 - 2 hours.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees top/bottom heat (fan oven approx. 180 degrees).
  3. Form small balls out of the dough and place them on the baking sheet. Drill holes in the balls with a wooden spoon handle dipped in flour. Attention - please do not pierce!
  4. Stir the jam smoothly and fill it with a piping bag (I always do this with a small espresso spoon) in the recesses of the dough balls.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Please watch! You mustn't get too brown!
  6. Let cool, then dust with icing sugar.

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