How to Cooking Sous Vide with the Steamer

In more and more kitchens there are devices that have made the leap from professional kitchens to those of ambitious hobby cooks. Two examples are the steam cooker, but also the sous vide device.

Meat in particular becomes a real delicacy with the sous vide method
The latest trend is combination appliances, i.e. steam ovens, which also have a sous vide function. But can't basically all steam cookers sous vide?

Sous vide with the conventional steamer

"Under vacuum" is the German translation by Sous Vide. According to common definitions, sous vide is a cooking method in which the desired food is sealed in a plastic bag and vacuumed, and then cooked at low temperatures.

In principle, it can be said: Yes, you can use any steam oven to prepare sous vide dishes. The main difficulty, however, lies in reaching the right temperature and maintaining it for a long time. Especially cheaper devices often have a slightly larger deviation, so many household appliances only have the option of setting the temperature in 5-degree steps.

Pleasant additional functions such as built-in core temperature meters or the integrated vacuum drawer provide additional advantages of the combination devices.
Vegetables such as carrots or asparagus can also be easily vacuumed

Sous vide in a steamer for beginners in 5 steps

  1. Recipe selection: We offer a large selection of sous vide recipes.
  2. Vacuuming: For vacuuming, a special vacuuming device is required which pulls the air out of the plastic bags and then seals or seals the bag airtight. Important: The food is always vacuumed raw.
  3. Temperature control: short and painless: set the steam cooker to the desired temperature.
  4. Cooking: Once the desired temperature has been reached, place the bag in the steam oven and leave it there for the required time.
  5. Follow-up: Often certain dishes (especially meat) are briefly fried in the pan after cooking to give a better visual impression, but the dish still cooks here and can change the taste experience. A tip is browning using a bunsen burner for the kitchen.
Tip: You can of course also add herbs and the desired spices to the vacuum bag. However, you should use it very sparingly, especially with the salt, since the taste of the food should be preserved.

Tip: The cleaned vegetables should be cut into evenly sized pieces so that they cook evenly. Larger pieces of meat can also be cut a few times.

Now all you have to do is arrange, serve and enjoy your sous vide experience.

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